Schwab Electronic Statements
If you had opted into paperless preferences with TD Ameritrade and have not created login credentials with Schwab yet, you probably received an email from Schwab this week.
In order to continue receiving paperless statements, you will need to create a login with Schwab by March 27th.
To do so, you will need either your TD Ameritrade account number or your Schwab account number. If you don’t have easy access to that, simply give us a call at 913-385-9409 or email and we can provide that for you.
To create your Schwab account, go to: Login | Charles Schwab and click on the ‘new user’ button. They will ask you to create a user name, provide your date of birth, social security number, and either the TD or Schwab account number.
If you have any difficulty, please reach out to us and we can walk you through it. If you do nothing, your statements will be mailed to you after March 27th.
If you already receive paper statements and want to continue receiving paper statements, no action is required.